Our digital mockup was created directly from our most recent revision of our paper prototype.
Task One: Filter and Find Events
To complete this task, we first select “find events” from the homepage.
This loads the event list, which is populated with events matching our default filters. These filters are set when a user first creates their account, and can be altered in the profile menu. The profile menu is shown here, in addition to the event list:
Multiple actions can be taken with regards to events. For example, the user can click the (v) button, which displays the options to rate, report, and dislike.
Selecting “rate” allows the user to select a star rating, which helps refine future recommendations and sorting.
Selecting “report” allows the user to specify a problem and submit their concern for review.
Selecting “dislike” tells Clink! not to recommend or prioritize similar events in the event list.
The most essential action for completing the task is that the user can specify filters by clicking on the filter button. This is useful when looking for an event that differs from those related to default tags.
Clicking the (x) on the art and music tags removes them from the list of liked tags. To add a tag, the user can begin typing in the text box, and can select their tag from a dropdown menu. Here, the user chooses to add a sports tag.
Selecting “apply” saves the filters and returns the user to the list of events, which has now been updated to match the changes.
Once the user has filtered the list to match their preferences and finds an event that interests them, they can click on the event to view a more detailed event listing.
The user may then choose to add the event to their personal event list. This makes it so that event details can be accessed more easily, and Clink! will automatically remind the user when an event on their list is about to start. Selecting “see my list” from the confirmation page allows the user to access this list directly.
Task Two: View Personal Event Recommendations
Starting from the home page, the user can click “recommended for me” to view their personalized event recommendations.
This page led to a bit of confusion in some of our user tests, so we added a way for the user to learn more about recommendations. Clicking the (?) icon allows the user to view information about what the feature does and how recommendations are generated.
Clicking the (^) icon collapses this description page, returning the user to the list of recommended events. From here, the user can select the refresh button to generate new recommendations, or view details and add events, as in the previous task.
All images from pexels.com.